Meet the Team

Kathryn Whitfield
Update: April 2022 we welcome back Kathryn on a permanent basis
I have worked with people with Learning disabilities for 28 years, firstly as a Job Coach and then as a Social worker and Team Manager. When I first started, the All Wales Strategy was in full swing. We now have a new strategy, the North Wales Learning Disability Strategy. People with Learning Disabilities have told us what is important to them. They want good homes, relationships, jobs, good physical and mental health and the chance to be a part of their communities. I am very lucky to be part of the team and wider community whose job it is to revisit and embed these rights and coproduce solutions.

Steve Brown
Lead Officer for Commissioning and Procurement

Kim Killow

Mark John-Williams

Paul Mazurek

Sioned Williams
With vast experience of working with individuals with learning disabilities and their families/carers in Gwynedd for many years. I am proud to be part of the North Wales Together team and am passionate about services, people with a learning disability and their parents/carers to be working together in partnership to transform services so that children and adults with learning disabilities can have a better life. My work will involve working with public and third sector, families and individuals to identify examples of good practice and share across the region and support areas to transform services.

Stephanie Hall
Planning and Development Officer for Accommodation and ALN
I have worked with people with learning disabilities as a support worker and team leader in the past. I also worked for over ten years as a probation officer, working with a number of people with learning disabilities to address offending behaviour. I am pleased to be a part of the Learning Disability Transformation Project as my goal is to help people lead better and more fulfilling lives. We have been working on a research project looking at post-school options for young people with learning disabilities in North Wales, the barriers they face and the gaps in provision. It’s been exciting being involved in recommending what needs to change. I am also working with Steve on accommodation, helping partners to look at who lives out of county and would like to live closer to home, and planning for accommodation for young people with complex needs approaching transition into adulthood.

Allison Lowry - Phillips
Planning and Development Officer supporting Communities & Culture and Workforce.
I have worked as a practitioner and manager in services for vulnerable people (children and adults) for the last 20 years in a variety of settings; prisons, custody suites, communities, residential and housing support. My most recent role was Workforce Development Manager for Flintshire Social Services delivering training to the social care workforce across SS, voluntary and independent sector. I am honoured to be working with the LD transformation project and offered this opportunity to contribute towards providing equal opportunities for people with learning disabilities. This is something personally I am very passionate about. I will be providing support to the Communities and Culture and Employment workstreams. I will be leading on the WFD workstream focusing on providing evidence based outcomes reporting, co-delivery of a values awareness session to the social care wokforce and developing a values based recruitment pathway within Flintshire local authority.

Helen Dransfield

Jeni Andrews
As the Lead Officer for Conwy and Denbighshire, I help Conwy and Denbighshire to change (transform) the way people with learning disabilities are supported. I have worked with people with learning disabilities and their families for 25 years. I used to help people to claim benefits. Then I worked with people with learning disabilities and their families in Denbighshire to plan how support services should look. I really want to help improve support for people with learning disabilities in North Wales, and make sure they get to live a great life. I hope that the Learning Disability Transformation Project will help to make positive changes to the way people see people with learning disabilities.
Update 2022: Jeni has now left the team and returned to her previous role. We thank Jeni for all the work she has doen with the project and wish her well for the future.

Liana Duffy
With a background in homelessness, supporting people to live a good, full life is very important to me. I am really excited to be a part of the Learning Disability Transformation Project, focussing on community and culture change. I’ll be working with lots of different people across North Wales, trying to create more opportunities for people with learning disabilities to have the kind of relationships, activities and work opportunities they want.
Update: Following Covid-19, Liana has been called back to her substantive position on a permanent basis so is no longer with the team. Mark and Bev will be continuing with Liana’s work, so please view Mark and Bev’s project plans below.

Paul Hosker
For over forty five years I have worked in the National Health Service. I am a qualified and experienced General , Learning Disability and Mental Health nurse. I have helped to develop and manage Learning Disability services in North Wales since the 1980’s. I am delighted to take forward parts of the strategy linked to health and wellbeing. Specifically – to work together with the Health Liaison Team , Public Health Wales and other people so that more citizens have their annual health check and national health screening tests. I strongly support citizens and families having information that helps them to make good choices about their physical & emotional wellbeing so they can live healthy and happy lives.
Edit : Paul has now retired. We wish him all the best.

Sian Croston
I am delighted to join the North Wales Transformation Project leading on Workforce Development. I plan to identify and share good practice via the workstream and area leads as well as making links with regional workforce leads, third sector providers to work towards sustainable models of developing the workforce. The general profile and rights of people with learning disabilities needs to be raised within the wider community and general workforce, something which I am passionate about progressing over the course of the project. I will also be identifying and promoting health screening availability and ensuring quality accessible information is available and shared.
Edit: Sian has now returned to her substantive post. Check out the work she did and has left to used as a resource on our Workforce pages.

Beverly Futia
As a qualified project manager and accountant with health and social care experience spanning over 10 years, I have spent the last 4 years working across the country, supporting service redesign projects in response to national guidance and budget reductions. I will be focusing on direct payments, voluntary and work opportunities and also advocacy as I work with people and organisations across Flintshire.
Edit: Bev has now left our team. We wish her all the best in her new role.