North Wales Together

Friends, family and relationships

Having relationships with other people can be really important to our health and wellbeing. Only 3% of people with a learning disability live as a couple, compared to 70% of the general adult population.  This is simply not good enough. Meeting someone special can sometimes be tricky, so some people might need a bit of support.

Understanding and tackling barriers

We know that people with learning disabilities can face a number of barriers to being able to meet new people and have the types of relationships they want.

Mencap’s ‘Our Social Networks’ project has collected stories from people with learning disabilities, about their experiences of friendships and intimate relationships.

The outcome of this project can be seen on the video to the right. Contact Mencap if you want to learn more.

We know that not always having the freedom to go out and socialise can be a big barrier for people with learning disabilities trying to meet new friends or a partner.

Flexibility of support

Luv2MeetU is a friendships and dating agency for people with a learning disability or autism aged 18 and over. It supports people to make friends, share interests and develop relationships.

Relationships and dating

The Stay Up Late Campaign is all about making support more flexible, so people with learning disabilities can lead the lives they want – of course including being able to stay up late!

Sexuality and gender identity

Just like everyone else, people with learning disabilities are sexual beings, with sexual rights, and with different sexual and gender identities. Click the box for more information on this subject.


People with learning disabilities, their parents/carers, and professionals all need to be able to access the right information and advice to make sure everyone is kept safe and well. Click the box for useful information and resources.