North Wales Together

Being safe

Safe Places

Safe Places is a scheme that helps people with learning disabilities (and others) if they feel anxious or at risk when out and about. Different places in the community, like shops or libraries, sign up to be Safe Places. Window stickers show where the safe places are, and people can also use a phone app to find them. Staff in the safe places are trained to know what to do when someone comes in asking for help.

Check out the Safe Places website which includes some helpful videos, and details of local places signed up to the scheme. Safe Places already exists in Wrexham and Denbighshire.

Safe Place Logo
View Safe Places Website here

Hate and 'Mate Crime'

A hate crime is any crime where somebody is targeted because of their disability (or any other ‘protected characteristic’).
If someone doesn’t commit a crime, but they still target you for this reason, it is called a hate incident. Sometimes if someone commits lots of hate incidents, their actions can be considered a hate crime.

Mate crime is when someone pretends to be your friend, but they do things to take advantage. This could include asking you for money a lot, or abusing you in other ways.

Mencap have put together some useful information about hate crime and mate crime, including guidance about how you can report it, and tips for talking to the police.

The people behind Safe Places have also created some useful, easy read resources about recognising and tackling ‘mate crime’. Once we have all of our Safe Places set up, these resources will be made available across North Wales – so watch this space!

Check out the work that Dimensions have done with their #ImWithSam campaign, including this video they made about people’s experiences. 


Safeguarding is about protecting children and adults from abuse or neglect and showing those around them how to recognise the signs and dangers. The All Wales Safeguarding procedures detail the roles and responsibilities involved in safeguarding children and adults who are at risk from abuse and neglect.

You can out more about the All Wales Safeguarding procedures here.

The Wales Safeguarding Procedures app are available for download now via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. They can also be viewed in English at and in Welsh at


We know that sometimes travelling independently on public transport can make people feel anxious.

The Orange Wallet Scheme was created to help people to cope more easily with using public transport. The Orange Wallet contains plastic pockets where you can insert words and pictures. These can be shown to public transport staff to help people to communicate their needs.

This is a useful video that offers lots of tips on planning and taking train journeys, including how you can use the Orange Wallet.

Check out the ASDinfoWales website for more information, including how you can get an orange wallet.

Pilot Projects

Travel Training

Travel training is already offered in some areas, but this year we are going to be teaming up with TAPE Community Music and Film to create and pilot some unique travel training, using virtual reality technology.


We are also going to be piloting the use of a phone app called Way2Be in Flintshire and Wrexham. We will keep you posted with progress from both!

Check out this video.