Sexuality and gender identity
Stigma, and assumptions about the sexuality and gender identity of people with learning disabilities are also big problems. Just like everyone else, people with learning disabilities are sexual beings, with sexual rights, and with different sexual and gender identities.
Mencap have developed a Mission Statement about championing these rights, and challenging attitudes.
Check out the award winning video from the Wrexham SWS Group – ‘We Leave Our Labels at the Door’ – where they talk about sexual and gender identities, and how everyone has the right to be who they are.
North Wales Advice and Advocacy service run monthly drop in sessions in Denbighshire for people with learning disabilities who are LGBTQ+. For more information, including future dates, please contact / 01248 670852.
Take a look at this handy Essential LGBTQ+ guide to North Wales, for more information about local support services, groups, activities and events.
The Learning Disability Transformation Project is also now sitting on a national LGBTQ+ group, to make sure that the voice of LGBTQ+ people with learning disabilities is strong in our work, and that we are planning our support in a joined up way, based on best practice.