North Wales Together


Luv2MeetU is a friendships and dating agency for people with a learning disability or autism aged 18 and over. It supports people to make friends, share interests and develop relationships. Luv2MeetU supports people to enjoy a range of activities, and they only organise the events that members want to do.

As well group activities and events, they offer a one-to-one dating service for members. Members are matched based on their interests, personality and age. If both members want to meet up, they will be supported to set up a date based on what they would like to do. All member of staff or volunteer will be on hand to support on the first date (they will be a chaperone). Luv2meetU also run ‘singles mingles’ and speed dating events. 

This year the Learning Disability Transformation Project is going to be working with Hft to roll out a North Wales pilot of Luv2MeetU. The pilot will be based in Flintshire, Wrexham and Denbighshire, but people from across North Wales will be able to benefit. 

Please contact us if you’d like any further information. We will keep you posted about progress!